Focal Point Venture Group

Lock Down Challenges

During the Lockdown Focal point took turns every 3/4 weeks at  selecting a subject as a challenge.  The rules were photographs had to be taken in the house or garden and not from stock. Also, be dated after the challenge was set. As ever, some members were busy with other things  so response was a bit random!  So the names are not included to protect the innocent!
The subjects were:
Capturing Motion – More than four legs – Droplets –
 Mono taken with camera set to mono – Backlighting.

More Photos  here

Droplets 4


Summer BBQ 2020

In the summer, Focal Point Venture Group took the opportunity to have a BBQ at Ian and Linda Rae’s. We had a few light showers, but it failed to stop us enjoying the company of friends, something we are  all short of this year. Pictures by Diana and Ian. 
Click here for more photos

Bushy Park Oct 2018

Selsey Lifeboat Station Sept 2018

BBQ Sept 2018

Beamish museum Sept 2018

Farne Islands August 2018

Scrapheap visit August 2018

Visit to London 4 May 2018

Website of the Ludshott Photographic Club