Category Archives: Audio Visual

Jim Henson AV Competition results 2024

Congratulations to Harold Russell for winning the Jim Henson AV trophy for the second time with an excellent entry “Call to Prayer”. Harold also won the trophy in 2022 with “Faces of South East Asia”.

A big thank you is extended to the judge Steve Kirkby CPAGB(AV) for spending time to judge the AVs beforehand, a time-consuming task.

The meeting, held in Headley Village Hall,  started with Steve explaining the criteria he looks for in an Audio Visual. He showed us some of his AVs, asking us to watch out for specific points. He then commented on each AV in the competition, making this a good learning event as well as an entertainment.

There were 16 entries from a number of different clubs, six of which were from Ludshott members.

Congratulations to the winners

First:            Call to Prayer by Harold Russell
Second:       Kolmanskop, a 21st Century Ghost Town by                                     Jean Hoyle
Third:           Visions of Ashdown Forest by David Brooker
Highly Commended:
The Cold Heart of England by Paul Crook
Barcelona by Richard Knapp
Coco by Kathleen Bird
A Fallen Branch by Brian Dowdall
My Scotland by Norman Horsham

Jim Henson Competition Results 4 March 2023

Steve Kirkby receiving the trophy from Ken Scott

Congratulations to Steve Kirkby CPAGB/AV, for winning the Jim Henson AV trophy for the second time! Steve also won the trophy in 2020 with “Revival”.

We extend a special thank you to our judge Ken Scott for an interesting and informative afternoon. The meeting was held in Headley Village Hall, and started with Ken giving us his views on making Audio Visuals. He also showed us 2 of his excellent AV productions.

Ken commented on each AV in the competition, making this a good learning event as well as an entertainment. There was a good turnout on this cold March afternoon, and we were given an Audio Visual treat by Ken and the 17 entrants.

The results were –

First   Newbury Pride by Steve Kirkby CPAGB/AV
2nd     Golden Treasury by Kathleen Bird
3rd     Hermaness by Norman Horsham CPAGB/AV

Highly Commended –
Mary Quant at the V&A by Steve Kirkby CPAGB/AV
The Outer Hebrides by Richard Knapp
What’s on the menu? by Mike Tibbotts
Mugwump by Harold Russell

Commended –
Hawkhurst Branch Line by David Brooker
A Victorian Philanthropist by Jean Hoyle

Congratulations to the winners, and thank you to all who entered. The judge had a difficult task with so many good entries.

Jim Henson Trophy 2022

Patricia Henson presented the trophy to Harold at a later date.

Jim Henson Competition Results
26 March 2022

Congratulations to Harold Russell, our Chairman, for winning the 2022 Jim Henson AV trophy, and a special thank you to our judge Ian Bateman for an interesting and informative afternoon. The meeting was held on Zoom, and started with some of Ian’s excellent AVs. Ian commented on each AV as it was played in the second half, making this a good learning event as well as being entertaining. It was a lovely sunny March day, so the audience was smaller than expected, but those who were in attendance were given a treat.

Faces of South East Asia by Harold Russell

Second –
Free as a bird by Steve Kirkby

Third –
The Chestnut’s Curse by Kathleen Bird

Highly Commended – 
February at Wisley by Paul Crook

Where sand dunes meet the sea by Jean Hoyle

Commended – 
Winchester Cathedral Flowers by Geoff Lambert

A short journey across Romney Marsh by Richard Knapp

Kathleen Bird, Harold Russell and Patricia Henson



Success at the Keith Hunt Trophy 2021

Ludshott won First, Second and Third places at Woking PS’s Keith Hunt Trophy competition on 30 March, a great success for the club.

Congratulation to Brian Marjoram for winning the Keith Hunt Trophy for the second time. 

This is an annual Audio Visual competition and this year it was run on Zoom, taking place in March, having been postponed from  October 2020. The next one will be in October 2021.

If any member would like to watch our winning AVs on their own computer let us know and we will arrange to send them.


Position Title Name Club
1st The Widows Curse Brian Marjoram LRPS Ludshott Photographic Club
2nd Salute to Victory Harold Russell Ludshott Photographic Club
3rd The Hangers Way Kathleen Bird LRPS CPAGB Ludshott Photographic Club
Highly Commended Days Like This Kevin Mageean Windlesham & Camberley Camera Club
Highly Commended Paris Clive Chater Alton Camera Club
Highly Commended Whitby Abbey Norman Horsham Mid Thames Audio Visual Group
Commended India Savitri Kegge Windlesham & Camberley Camera Club

Brian Marjoram with the trophy



Jim Henson Trophy 2021

On 1 March our annual Audio Visual competition was held on Zoom, so no photos are available of the winners.

Howard Bagshaw  ARPS MPAGB/AV was our judge, and commented on each of the 25 entries during the evening, for which we would like to thank him. 

The  entries were varied and very enjoyable to watch, and the final results are – 

Viticulture, from Bud to Bunch by Geoff Lambert                         of Horndean CC
Congratulations on an excellent production

SECOND Magpie Mine by Brian Marjoram,     Ludshott PC

THIRD A Year in the Wild by Mike Tibbots,     Woking PS                             

Columbia Road Market by John Baker                         Ludshott P{C     
Big Skies by Kathleen Bird                                                   Ludshott PC
Petersfield Remembers by Steve Kirkby                     Alton CC            

Wings and Wheels by Harold Russell                   Ludshott PC
The Canal Journey by Norman Horsham            Mid Thames AV Group
No Where to Go by Daan Olivier                             Bracknell CC

Trophy winner, Geoff Lambert  of Horndean CC




Our judge for the fifth Jim Henson Trophy AV competition was Ken Scott ARPS. There were a record 19 entries, with a wide variety of subjects and styles, and we managed to fit them all into the evening by starting at 19:45. 

Ken commented on each AV, telling us their good points and offering suggestions for improvement where necessary. I think we all learnt something from his helpful assessment of each entry.

The results were – 

First            Revivial by Steve Kirkby CPAGB(AV)
Second      ZARG by Ian Bailey
Third          Searching by Norman Horsham CPAGB(AV)

Highly Commended –

Watts Chapel by John Baker
Salute to Victory by Harold Russell

Unfortunately Norman Horsham and Ian Bailey were not there to receive their certificates.

Keith Hunt AV competition 22 October 2019

Roger Mendham with Harold Russell, Ludshott Photographic Club, commended for “Farewell to Wings & Wheels”.

Congratulations to Harold for his well deserved Commended certificate.

Here are the results of the 2019 Keith Hunt AV Competition. 

  AV Title Name Club
1st Concert Photography Tony Cole Alton Camera Club
2nd Battle of Britain Niall Ferguson Windlesham & Camberley Camera Club
3rd Commemorating the Fallen Jean Hoyle Windlesham & Camberley Camera Club
Highly Commended City of Glass Mike Reed ARPS Mid Thames Audio Visual Group
Highly Commended In Search of the Fisher King Mike Tibbotts Woking Photographic Society
Commended Farewell to Wings & Wheels Harold Russell Ludshott Photographic Club
Judge’s Award for Creativity ZARG lan Bailey Alton Camera Club

Jim Henson Trophy 2019

The FOURTH Jim Henson Audio Visual Competition was held on the 4th of March 2019. The judge was David Smith LRPS , who previewed the 16 entries. David commented on each AV, and made helpful remarks on photography, sound and composition after each entry had been screened.

Daan Olivier FRPS and Mike Reed ARPS CPAGB(av) won the trophy with an AV entitled “Dreams and Nightmares” a moving piece on prisoners on Robben Island.

Other results were –
SECOND: Sea Moods by Norman Horsham CPAGB(av)
THIRD   The Natural History of Selbourne by John Wichall ARPS                                      DPAGB, who also won the Audience Vote

The Impressionist by Graeme Parker

The Land of Kings by John Baker
Oradour – the Village that died by Ray Higgenbottom and Viv Blewett

Ludshott Success at Audio Visual Competition

On 23 October 2018 six members went to Woking Photographic Society for the Annual Keith Hunt Trophy Audio Visual competition.
There were 15 entries, 3 from each club, judged by Graham Sergeant FRPS.  Harold Russell received  a highly commended certificate for “Hunter”, and Keith Hunt presented the trophy to Kathleen Bird LRPS CPAGB  for her AV entitled “The River God”.
This is the third time that Ludshott has won this trophy. Brian Marjoram won it once and Kathleen has won it twice. In the 10 years that the competition has been running Ludshott has won it 3 times, Godalming twice and 5 other clubs once each.
Full results were
1st The River God Kathleen Bird LRPS CPAGB Ludshott Photographic Club
2nd Red Arrows Niall Ferguson LRPS CPAGB Windlesham & Camberley Camera Club
3rd Winter Norman Horsham Mid Thames Audio Visual Group
HC Hunter Harold Russell Ludshott Photographic Club
HC On the Brighton Seafront David Smith LRPS CPAGB Woking Photographic Society
HC Svezhina Clive Chater Alton Camera Club

Harold Russell receives Highly Commended certificate from the judge Graham Sergeant FRPSThe Trophy

Jim Henson Trophy 2018

The third Jim Henson Audio Visual Competition was held on the 5th of March 2018. The judge was Graham Sergeant FRPS , who previewed the 16 entries. Graham commented on each AV, and made helpful remarks on technique and sound as the evening progressed.

Paul Crook LRPS won the trophy with an AV entitled “In Memoriam” a moving piece which used Rupert Brooke’s poem “The Soldier” for the narration.

Other results were –
SECOND: Upholder by Mile Reed CPAGB
THIRD   The Monarch islands by Norman Horsham CPAGB

Petra Rose Red City by John Baker
Waverley Abbey By David Bird and Kathleen Bird LRPS CPAGB
Good bye Upton Park by Paul Crook LRPS

Llangollen to Montgomerie canal trip by John Wilson
Hunter by Harold Russell
Northern Botswana (For photo harmony) by Jean Hoyle
A Load of Old Bollards by John Wichall ARPS DPAGB

Flying Machines by Grant Dawkins
Chocs by Harold Russell