The Ludshott Photographic Club was founded in January 1995 and later that year a written constitution was produced:
- The Club shall be known as the “LUDSHOTT PHOTOGRAPHIC CLUB”
- The aim of the club is to provide a forum for members to develop skills, exchange information and understanding in the use of photography as a creative medium.
- Ludshott Photographic Club will present a programme of meetings, i.e., talks, competitions, workshops and activities to promote the aims. The Club programme shall run from September through to June the following year.
- An annual subscription shall be payable in September for one year of membership. The amount of subscription shall be determined by the Ludshott Photographic Club Committee and ratified at the Club’s Annual General Meeting.
- The subscriptions and any other fund raising will be used to cover the expenses of visiting speakers, venue costs, providing suitable equipment and any other costs incurred in the running of the Club to achieve the aims.
- The Club has an equal opportunities policy with membership open to all who are interested in any aspect of film or digitally based photography.
- The Annual General Meeting shall take place on the third Monday in June. The Committee will be elected at the Annual General Meeting for a period of one year, serving members may be re-elected. The Chairman and Vice Chairman may not normally hold the same office for more than two years in succession. Either may seek re-election having been out of office for at least one year. The Vice Chairman may be elected Chairman. The Treasurer will issue an audited financial statement at the AGM.
- The Club Committee will comprise elected members to include the following four Officers: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer plus such other co-opted members as may be required. There will be no paid officials of the Club.
- In addition to Club officials the Club will have honorary positions of President and Vice Presidents. Nominations to be recommended by the Club Committee for election at the AGM. Generally, nominees will have been long service contributors to the club. The positions will be held for the duration of the President and Vice Presidents membership of the club.
10.A member who incurs expenses in the running of the Club will be reimbursed. The Treasurer will require a statement of expenses.
11.Alteration of the constitution shall only be made at the Annual General Meeting, or at an Extraordinary General Meeting which may be called at the request of the Committee or a minimum of twenty-five of the membership.
12.In the event of the winding up of the Club such funds that may exist, after all outstanding debts have been met shall be given to an agreed local charity.
The above constitution was approved by members at the First General Meeting held on the 19th of June 1995 and amended (Clause 7) at the Annual General Meeting of 17thJune 1996. Amended at Extraordinary General Meeting of 29th November 2004 and at the Annual General Meetings of 18th June 2007 and 15th June 2015.
Brian Thomas
Ludshott Photographic Club 16.06.15