About the Club

President Kathleen Bird LRPS  CPAGB
Chairman Geoff Sargent
Secretary Steve Littler
Treasurer Brian Marjoram LRPS
Programme Secretary Colin Whitbourn
Competition Secretary Paul Crook LRPS
Publicity John Price ARPS
Committee Member Sue Erler
Membership Secretary Diana Grant LRPS
Social Events & Club Visits John Gamble
External Competitions Secretary Grant Dawkins
Webmaster Suzy Courtnage LRPS
SPA Representative Geoff Sargent

The Club welcomes new members who are interested in all forms of photography . New members are encouraged to take part in our competitions whether they are absolute beginners or have a greater photographic experience. Our meetings provide an opportunity for the exchange of ideas and knowledge.

Through our comprehensive programme of talks, workshops, coaching groups and competitions members are able to improve their ability to take better quality photographs. For more detail, see our Programme page. Whatever camera you have, be it Compact, Bridge, Single Lens Reflex or just a smartphone, you will find help and advice on hand.

As a member of the Surrey Photographic Association, and through our affiliation to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain, the Club has access to a wide range of advice and expertise.

Members wishing to print their own images will find a ready “helping hand” available to solve their problems on a ‘one to one’ basis.

Services Available to Members
In addition to our regular meetings The Club provides a number of support services for members.  Various members of the Club help manage these facilities

In addition to the normal Club meetings ‘Workshops’ are organised during the season.  They include practical and discussion sessions on many aspects of  basic and advanced photography. Full Day workshops are sometimes held on specific topics. There is an additional charge for some of these events.

Individual Help
Members in the Advanced section are always willing to help with camera settings, digital manipulation and preparation of images for competitions.

Club Visits 
Occasionally during each season visits are organised to places with photo opportunities.   The timing of these is very much dependent upon the nature of the visit.   Full details of dates and cost are given in advance.

Venture Groups 
There are a number of small groups within the Club who meet in each other’s houses to learn from each other while pursuing selected photographic subjects. More here.

Website of the Ludshott Photographic Club