Category Archives: Workshops

Night Photography in Grayshott


Twelve members met at the Fox and Pelican on Monday evening 9 December 2019. There was an almost full moon, and although it was cold it was a beautiful clear night. The lights in Grayshott were at their best, and we all wandered round taking photographs of them. Afterwards we met in the pub for a drink and a chat. An enjoyable evening, and some of our efforts can be found HERE


Gavin Hoey Workshop 26 October 2019

Camera Alchemy

This was another inspiring workshop with Gavin and Sam.  As usual Gavin was full of interesting ideas to fire  up  his  audience  of  39  people,  15  of  them  from  other  clubs. 

We were only sorry that this was the last time he was giving a talk to photo clubs.

Workshop to Brownsea Island 21 June 2018

Noar Hill Nature workshop 5 June 2018

Seven members went to Noar Hill on a cool overcast morning. Insects were scarce, flowers were abundant but difficult to photograph in the wind. We had a most enjoyable morning, learnt a few things and had lunch at the Selbourne Arms.

Bird Photography Workshop

The Hants Ornithological Society is organising a Bird Photography Workshop which will be given by 3 wildlife professions on 28 July at Littleton near Winchester.  Limit is 45 places.  There will be an indoor tutorial session 10-13h, followed by outdoor practical sessions.

Price to non-members is £52 which includes the annual subscription of £12. Full details at

The cost of an equivalent commercial course is in the range £120-150 so if you are interested book soon.

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