Wildlife photography project

Paul Crook’s wildlife project to collect images of our local wildlife is going well. He would love to see your photos of any local wildlife found in your gardens or on your daily walks.

Paul says – We’ve had 12 different butterflies in the garden over the last couple of days. We’ve had Small White, Large White, Speckled Wood, Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown, Silver-washed Fritillary, Peacock, Small Tortoiseshell, Brimstone, Peacock, Red Admiral and Comma. Had Orange Tip, Holly Blue and Green-veined White earlier in the year. I’m attaching five photos of Silver-washed Fritillary, Comma, Red Admiral, Large White and Gatekeeper.

Click on the thumbnails below to see some of the images sent in so far; there are 9 new images as at 13 July.  Unfortunately members are not always putting titles and authors on their submissions.

Paul’s message is at the bottom of this page.

Paul says – A new club email is in use for this,  and it would be great if you could send me any photos you manage to produce of wildlife in your garden or local area. The photos can be of wild birds, animals, moths, trees, butterflies, bees – basically anything that can be classified as wild – even the weeds you may not want in your garden. I’m not an expert on many of the above so please let me know what the image is illustrating in case I don’t recognise what is included in your photo.

At the end of the project (whenever that is) or when I’ve got enough to work with I will either produce (with expert help) an AV for you all to see or maybe present them all at a club evening. Photos may also appear via the club website.

So, the upshot is – Please send me photos of any local wildlife to wildlife@ludshottpc.org.uk.  Please size the images as for competition, that is at 1600 x 1200 pixels and title them as in the following example – blackbird by joe bloggs. Please try to ensure the images are in the correct colour space, ie sRGB. I don’t mind what wildlife you picture, include the common as well as the rarer species. If any of you have any problems let me know either via an email to wildlife@ludshottpc.org.uk or telephone me on 01428 713946.

Any photos will be of interest – this is not a challenge or a competition, just a project – so I don’t mind how good the photos are or what ‘class’ you are in at the club. I would love us all to be involved. I will include photographs from all members who send me material in my final presentation.