
Welcome to the Ludshott Photographic Club

Ludshott Photographic club extends a warm  welcome to new members

If you enjoy your photography please come along  to a free taster of one of our meetings  to meet with us and see what we do. 

Our 2023-4 season has now finished. We start again in September 2024. 

Our new season’s programme is here: 2024-5 Programme

Summer Challenge 2024

Our end of year competition results


The images below are the high scoring images from our last PDI competition.


We meet on a Monday evening between September and June. The Club has a summer break during July and August.


To join the club  Click here   

To renew your subscription Click here

Our meetings are held at 19:45 for 20:00 at:
Headley Village Hall
Arford Road
Headley, Bordon
GU35 8LJ

How to find us

LPC is proudly sponsored by


Ludshott Photographic Club is a member of the Surrey Photographic Association and is affiliated to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain.

GDPR  Policy

Website of the Ludshott Photographic Club